Boucher Energy Systems, Inc. was recently seen on an episode of “Ask This Old House.” They demonstrated a new way to seal ductwork systems in a home using Aeroseal. The Aeroseal process is a patented system that injects a sealant into the ductwork and plugs the leaks in the ductwork from the inside. Please watch the episode below.

Boucher Energy Systems, Inc. was one of the first contractors in Massachusetts trained in the Aeroseal process. You can see a water leak, but an air leak is invisible. Duct leaks can be difficult and costly to find with ductwork hidden between the walls, floors, and ceilings. The older methods are less effective than Aeroseal and can only be applied to ducts with physical access. Other substances break down over time, but the Aeroseal sealant does not break down.  Aeroseal is the most effective, affordable, and viable method of sealing air duct leaks on the market.